What is Public and Private Recognition?

How do I know if the recognition sent to me is public or private? 

To determine if the recognition is public or private, look for a lock icon on the bottom right corner.  Private recognition will have the lock and public will not. 


Who can see public or private recognition? 

  • Public recognition is seen by everyone in your organization.
  • Private recognition is only seen by the person who sent it, the recipient(s), their manager(s), those who have been copied, and administrators.

When sending recognition, you can choose if the recognition is public or private.

How can I change my recognition from public to private?

When receiving public recognition, you can change it to private.

There are two areas where you can do this - from your recognition on the Activity Feed or Profile


  1. Find the recognition you want to make private 
  2. Select the three dots on the upper, right of the recognition and click Make Private


Can I change my recognition from private to public? 

No, private recognition cannot be changed to public recognition.