Everything you need to know about your profile page!
Access your Profile from the left navigation. Once you are on your Profile you can find your sent, received and copied on recognition, see whom you are following and who is following you, view your upcoming celebrations, and click to see your rewards, transactions, and settings.
On the Recognition tab of your Profile, you can filter your recognition to view received, sent or copied.
You can click on Followers and Following to view a list of those people.
You can also view your upcoming celebrations.
The Transactions section shows a history of the points you have been awarded and redeemed. You can click to View Recognition. You can also filter by date and export the information to Excel or CSV.
The Rewards section shows redeemable rewards you can claim, as well as your order history containing your claimed rewards and orders you have placed with your points through Shop. By clicking on an item in your order history, you can see the order details such as order number, order status and shipping information.
In your Settings, click on each drop-down arrow to customize your profile and settings.
Personal Info: where you can change your profile picture and preferred name.
Email: where you can update your email address, if applicable.
Notifications Preferences: where you can change your preferences for email and platform notifications.
Password: where you can update your password, if applicable.
Preferences: where you can select your preferred language, preferred time zone, and change your participation preference in social birthday and social service anniversary recognition.
Delegates: where you can assign a delegate who may give recognition on your behalf.
Team - Managers Only
If you are a manager, you will have a Team section on your Profile page where you can view your Team Activity, Upcoming Team Celebrations, and a list of your team with a Recognize button to easily send them recognition. Team Activity can be filtered to view the last 7, 14, 30, 90 or 365 days.