How to View Upcoming Celebrations

Where can I find upcoming celebrations? 

There are two ways to see the calendar of upcoming celebrations. Upcoming Celebrations Options-png

  1. On your Home Page, to the right of the Activity Feed, you will see a section for Upcoming Celebrations.
  2. On the left-hand navigation bar, select Celebrations to see a full list of upcoming celebrations along with a list of recognition resources. Celebrations Tab-png

How do I filter Upcoming Celebrations?

When you view Upcoming Celebrations via the Celebrations tab in the left-hand navigation bar, you have several filtering options to customize your view of celebrations.

  1. By clicking on the Filters button, you can filter by Business Unit, Department, Groups (All, Following, or My Team), and Celebration (All, Birthday, or Service Anniversary). You can choose multiple filters to apply. Celebrations Filters-png
  2. There is a time frame filter you can apply to view celebrations within the Next 7 days, the Next 14 days, or the Next 30 days.

    Celebrations Page - Time Filter Only-png
  3. You can also Search for people.
    Celebrations Page - Search People Only-png-1

How do I send birthday and service anniversary messages? 

There are two ways to send messages. 

Option 1:

To the right of a person's name, there is a message icon.Message Icon - Blank-png

When you select the icon, a pop-up will appear for you to enter a message. Your message can be up to 1000 characters and can include emojis and a GIF. 

Recognition Form Blank - Madi Eassom-png

At the bottom of the message, you will see a note about when your message will be sent. The platform collects all the recognition messages for birthday or anniversary recipients and sends them at one time on the day of the event.

When you are done writing your message, click Save.

Recognition Form Complete - Madi Easson-png

You will then have the opportunity to invite others to write messages or be All Done.

Recognition Invite Others-png

Invite People 2-png-1

Once your message is saved, the message icon next to the person's name in your Upcoming Celebrations list will change colors.

Upcoming Celebrations Home Icon Change-Madi Eassom-png

Option 2:

Select the person's name you want to send a message to, and you will be directed to the celebration details page.Upcoming Celebrations - Click on Name-png

On this page, you can Add a message, Invite others to add messages, Download certificate (if applicable), view the recognition Card, and see other's Messages

Note: The recipient of the celebration will not see the messages before the event. 

Reconition Details Page - Kyleigh Harris - Add a message-png

How can I edit a birthday or service anniversary message I've already saved?

Option 1:

From the Upcoming Celebrations list, click on the message icon. It will open your previously saved message and you can make edits and save them.Upcoming Celebrations Home Icon Change-Madi Eassom-png-1

Option 2:

From the celebration details page, click on Edit Message. It will open your previously saved message and you can make edits and save them.

Edit Message-png

Note: Messages can only be edited prior to the celebration date.

Recognition Resources 

If you need guidance on how to create a meaningful message or experience for the people you want to recognize, we have provided resources for you.

Go to your Celebrations page in the left navigation bar.

On the right side of the page, you will see a section titled Recognition Resources.

Recognition Resources-png

  • Recognition Starters: provides quick reference points for you to expand upon when recognizing your team - like appropriate exclamations and what they imply, as well as some simple sentence starters.

  • Meaningful Recognition: provides tips for sending recognition that is meaningful.

  • Service Anniversary Presentation Tips - provides tips for those who are presenting recognition to help make it successful and meaningful. We address both in-person and virtual presentations and provide a guide to help you plan your presentation.