Spotlight Eligibility

Spotlights are a tool to communicate activities and initiatives within the Connects platform. Spotlight eligibility allows admins to control who is able to see the spotlight.

To learn more about Spotlights in general, visit the Spotlight help article.

You can create Spotlight Eligibility, segmenting who is able to see the Spotlight, by changing the setting in the Viewers section. If you only want a certain audience to see the spotlight, click the Limited tab. 

spotlight eligibility

After choosing Limited, a new setting will show up named "Groups". Click on the "Add Group" button.

The "Add Group" button will create a pop up, asking you to input a name and conditions. Type in the name of your User Group.

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Following the Name of the User Group, you will need to set the conditions to segment your user base for eligibility. 

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Click the "Select Condition Type..." and choose the data field you want to segment by (see above for available fields)
  • If you chose the wrong Condition Type, you would need to click the 3 dots on the far-right hand side to Reset
After clicking your Condition Type (ex: Location), you will see a drop down for "is" or "is not" and a dropdown for the available data in the file. 
  • Using the Location example, you would select "is" and "CO" for all of your Colorado employees. In contrast, you might select "is not" to target all employees NOT in Texas. spotlight eligibility 4
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If need be, you are able to add more than one criterion.
  • Click on the + (Plus Symbol) on the right-hand side to add a new row. From there, you are able to add a new criteria similar to above. 
  • Use the "AND" and "OR" to further define the criteria. 
    • "AND" helps select users who are in both criteria, whereas "OR" helps select users that fit either criteria. 
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  • Click Add when complete