Site Address Book File

When shipping physical items for programs, like service anniversary, organizations may need to build out the site address book in order to streamline the sending process.

What is the Customer Site Address Book File?

The Customer Site Address Book File provides a location code with addresses where predetermined physical items, such as Lucies, will be sent. The location code determined in the Customer Site Address Book file is referenced in the User Data file so that the Connects system will send the physical item to the correct address. 

How It Works:

  • John Doe is a Project Manager for Inspirus. 
  • The User Data File will contain information about John Doe's job title, company, and department. It will also contain a Location Code (most often in the VBU fields but depends on your setup).
  • The Customer Site Address will contain the location code found in John Doe's user row. The Customer Site Address file with John Doe's location code will have John Doe's address. 
  • When sending physical items, the system will find John Doe's location code in the User Data File. The system will then reference the Customer Site Address for the same location code in order to send the physical item to the correct address.

Building the Customer Site Address Book File

Follow the steps below to build your customer site address book file: 

  1. Create a CSV file with Excel or another CSV creation software (Numbers for Mac)
    1. Download the Template here!
  2. Name the file using the following naming convention:
    1. [CustomerNumber]_SiteAddress_mmddyy.csv
    2. Ask your account manager for your customer number. It will be the same number used in the User Data File naming convention.
  3. Setup the following columns in the file (see specifications here): 
    1. CODE
    2. NAME
    3. ADDRESS1
    4. ADDRESS2
    5. CITY
    8. COUNTRY
    9. PHONE
    11. CONTACT
    12. BILL_TO_CODE
    13. EMAIL
    14. ADDRESS_ID
  4. Fill out the rows for all of your employees.
  5. Save the file and send to your account manager. 


  • Customer Site Address field CODE = ABC123 is John Smith at 100 N. Station Rd., AR 52446
  • Mandy Talbot User Data File field VBU1 = ABC123
  • Program set up identifies VBU1 as containing the Code (ABC123) where the physical item is sent
  • Therefore, the Physical Item for Mandy Talbot's anniversary will be sent to John Smith

Field Specifications

Column Example Required Field? Field Requirements
  • Cannot be NULL, Empty or Blank
  • Max 6 characters
NAME Sally Furgeson YES
  • Cannot be NULL, Empty or Blank
  • Max 100 characters
ADDRESS1 6464 Mockingbird Ln. YES
  • Cannot be NULL, Empty or Blank
  • Max 30 characters
ADDRESS2 Building #12345 YES
  • Cannot be NULL, Empty or Blank
  • Max 30 characters
CITY Fredericksburg YES
  • Cannot be NULL, Empty or Blank
  • Max 50 characters
  • Cannot be NULL, Empty or Blank
  • Max 2 characters
POSTAL_CODE 76107-4040 YES
  • Cannot be NULL, Empty or Blank
  • Max 20 characters
  • Cannot be NULL, Empty or Blank
  • Must be a valid 2 or 3 letter country code
PHONE 8173326765 YES
  • Cannot be NULL, Empty or Blank
  • Max 14 numeric
  • Can be NULL, Empty or Blank
CONTACT Nancy Palermo NO
  • Can be NULL, Empty or Blank
  • Max 100 characters
  • Can be NULL, Empty or Blank
  • Max 6 characters
  • Can be NULL, Empty or Blank
  • Max 100 characters
  • Can be empty


If you have any additional questions, please reach out to your account manager!