Learn what reports you have available, how to utilize them and exporting the information you need.
This article is best for: Administrators
As an administrator, one of the unique things that you have available is reports. We have a very straightforward report structure. This will provide you with information like recognition activity to measure how many people have registered within the system as well as provide you with financial reports that you need for payroll or budgeting purposes within your organization.
Reporting Tab
The reporting tab hosts all of the different reports. These reports help admins understand how their programs are being utilized and how employees are engaging within the platform. Scroll down to see information about each individual report.
Quick tips:
- Everything is exportable to Excel and CSV
- If you filter on screen and then export, you will only get what was filtered
- Helper text is included in each report
*Any filters you have placed on a report will export unless the report has been reset.
Users & Activity
User Report
In the Users report, you have a quick view of the users and the attributes that are coming in via the data along with the user's registration status, date and time, their manager, role, years of service, and if they’ve opt’d into the birthday program, and opt’d out of the service anniversary program.
Received Recognition
In the Recognition report, you can see any of the received recognition transactions that have happened within the platform for all programs. Results are limited to 365 days.
Point Activity
User Point Balance
View outstanding redeemable point balances by user. This will show you the number of points that each employee has, the employee ID, first and last name, if they are an active user, the number of points available to spend, and the cash value of those points.
Accrual By Program
The Accrual report gives you visibility into the points that have been awarded via recognition through the platform. All programs are listed with the points awarded, positive adjustments, negative adjustments, and balance. From a budgeting perspective, this helps you anticipate the spend of each program.
Accrual Detail
The Accrual Detail report gives visibility to awards, adjustments, and balances by control unit. For example, you filter by the department to see the awards, adjustments, and balances.
Optional control units to filter by: Area, Bill to Code, Business Unit, Country Code, Department, Division, Function, GL Code, Level, Location, Region, Station, VBU 1, VBU 2, VBU 3
❇️Note: Control units are based on information in your data
Monthly Allowance Detail
View Sender Allowance, Awarded, and Balance by program for the current month.
Point Orders
View a detailed list of all point orders by user. This report includes user attributes, order date and time, product, ship date, tracking #, and price.
The Point Orders report is what you can use to complete any taxation processes and look at what people have ordered with their points.
❇️Note: These orders are based on shopping with your points
View points refunded from point orders.
Special Recognition Rewards
Unclaimed Rewards
View unclaimed rewards by program. This report includes rewards from the following programs: service anniversary celebration with reward (Connects), birthday celebration with reward (Connects), specific date program - i.e. employee appreciation (Connects), and Celebrates programs.
Claimed Rewards
View claimed rewards by program. This report includes rewards from the following programs: service anniversary celebration with reward (Connects), birthday celebration with reward (Connects), specific date program - i.e. employee appreciation (Connects), and Celebrates programs.
Survey Results
View survey results for service anniversaries and special recognition programs.
Gift Recipients
This report shows a recipient list, by program, of all those included in a Celebrates program.
Predefined Items
View the predefined items sent in applicable programs. This includes program details, recipient details, product information, and shipping information.
Gift Summary
View a summary of gifts claimed and unclaimed across all of your programs. Scroll to the right to see the report broken down by each month.
Celebration Summary
View a summary of all "Celebrates" programs gifts, both claimed and unclaimed. Scroll to the right to see the report broken down by each month.
Survey Comments
View survey comments across all of the available programs.
Expired and Deactivated Rewards
View all of the expired and deactivated rewards in your system. Select your program to review expired rewards.
Upcoming Celebration
See all upcoming celebrations as an exportable CSV file.
Manager Team Page
The Manager team page is accessible from your profile page. Once on your profile page, click on the Team tab. If you are having trouble finding this page, see this help article.
Monthly Allowance Detail
This report shows managers' direct reports.
View Sender Allowance, Awarded, and Balance by program for the current month
Received Recognition
This report shows managers' direct reports.
View recognition received for all programs
Exporting Reports
All reports are easily exported to CSV and Excel.
*Any filters you have placed on a report will export unless the report has been reset.