Want to include custom imagery in your platform? Here are the specifications you'll need.
- Maximum dimensions: 800 x 600 pixels
- Image type: Transparent
- File type: PNG
Background/Login Page Image
The image that appears when logging in to the platform.
- Recommended dimensions: 1920 x 1080 pixels
- Maximum dimensions: 2000 x 1400 pixels
- Aspect ratio: 16:9
- File type: JPEG or PNG
Spotlight Images
The images that appear for Spotlights on the Home page of the platform.- Recommended dimensions: 853 x 480 pixels
- Maximum dimensions: 2000 x 1400 pixels
- File type: PDF, JPEG, PNG, or GIF
- File size: 2 MB maximum
Spotlight Attachments
- File type: PDF, JPEG, PNG, GIF or Microsoft file
- File size: 5 MB maximum
Shortcut Images
The images that appear for Shortcuts on the Home page of the platform.- Recommended dimensions: 700 x 200 pixels
- File type: PDF, JPEG, PNG, or GIF
- File size: 5 MB maximum
- If there are words in the image, it's best to keep them centered
eCards and Wallpapers
Ecards will appear as options when sending recognition and wallpapers will appear on the recognition card on the Activity feed.- Recommended dimensions: 800w x 400h pixels
- Maximum dimensions: 1200w x 800h pixels
- File type: PDF, JPEG, PNG, or GIF
- File size: 5 MB maximum
Applies to the opening experience of personal recognition.- Minimum dimensions: 720 x 480 pixels
- Maximum dimensions: 1920 x 1080 pixels
- File type: MP4
- File size: 50 MB maximum
Applies to the opening experience of personal recognition.
- File type: JPEG, PNG, SVG or GIF
- File size: 50 MB maximum