Spotlights are a great way to share information with your organization. See how to create them below.
Spotlights appear on the Home page, underneath the Recognize someone section. Spotlights enable your organization to communicate activities and initiatives within the Connects platform.
How to Create a Spotlight
As an Admin, you can create Spotlights for your organization's recognition platform.
- Under the Manage section of your left navigation area, click on Content.
- Under the Spotlights tab, you can see the spotlights that are currently active.
- To view drafted or inactive Spotlights, click on the arrow next to the Active button located at the top, right above the list of Spotlights.
- To create a new Spotlight, click the New button.
- Enter the title for the Spotlight you want to create, then click Create.
- Drop or click to search for an image to add as the Header Image. This will be the main Spotlight image. The images that appear for Spotlights on the Home page of the platform.
- Recommended dimensions: 853 x 480 pixels
- Maximum dimensions: 2000 x 1400 pixels
- File type: PDF, JPEG, PNG, or GIF
- File size: 2 MB maximum
- Drop or click to search for an image to add as the Header Image. This will be the main Spotlight image. The images that appear for Spotlights on the Home page of the platform.
- You can edit the Title of the Spotlight as well as add Content. Content can include text, links, images or videos. Use the toolbar in the Content section to add those elements or customize the text and layout.
- Toggle the Featured switch to pin your Spotlight at the beginning of the list on the Home page. If you have multiple featured Spotlights, they will appear in the order they are published.
- If you want a company-wide email sent when your Spotlight is published, toggle on the switch for Send Email.
- Click Save.
- You can include Spotlight Attachments by dragging and dropping a file or clicking to search for it on your machine. Attachments must be:
- File type: PDF, JPEG, PNG, GIF or Microsoft file
- File size: 5 MB maximum
- You can create Spotlight Eligibility, segmenting who is able to see the Spotlight, by changing the setting in the Viewers section. If you only want a certain audience to see the spotlight, click the Limited tab.
- After choosing Limited, a new setting will show up named "Groups". Click on the "Add Group" button.
- The "Add Group" button will create a pop up, asking you to input a name and conditions. Type in the name of your User Group.
- Following the Name of the User Group, you will need to set the conditions to segment your user base for eligibility.
- Click the "Select Condition Type..." and choose the data field you want to segment by (see above for available fields)
- If you chose the wrong Condition Type, you would need to click the 3 dots on the far-right hand side to Reset
- After clicking your Condition Type (ex: Location), you will see a drop down for "is" or "is not" and a dropdown for the available data in the file.
- Using the Location example, you would select "is" and "CO" for all of your Colorado employees. In contrast, you might select "is not" to target all employees NOT in Texas.
- Using the Location example, you would select "is" and "CO" for all of your Colorado employees. In contrast, you might select "is not" to target all employees NOT in Texas.
- If need be, you are able to add more than one criterion.
- Click on the + (Plus Symbol) on the right-hand side to add a new row. From there, you are able to add a new criteria similar to above.
- Use the "AND" and "OR" to further define the criteria.
- "AND" helps select users who are in both criteria, whereas "OR" helps select users that fit either criteria.
- "AND" helps select users who are in both criteria, whereas "OR" helps select users that fit either criteria.
- Click Add when complete
- Click the "Select Condition Type..." and choose the data field you want to segment by (see above for available fields)
- On the top, left of your screen, you can Preview your Spotlight or Delete it.
- You can publish your Spotlight immediately by clicking the Actions button and selecting Publish Now.
- You can also schedule your Spotlight to automatically publish or unpublish on a future date by typing in a date or selecting a date from the calendar icon. Spotlights scheduled to publish on a future date will remain in Draft status until that date. Once published it will automatically shift to Active status.
- You can update your Spotlight anytime, even after publishing. From the Content area, under the Spotlight tab, click on the Spotlight you'd like to edit, make your edits, and click Save. If editing a scheduled publish or unpublish date, changes will be automatically applied.
Tips for creating Spotlights:
- Plan and create your Spotlights ahead of time and schedule them to publish on a future date.
- Need ideas? Check out these Spotlight samples.
- Here's a link to our image library for Spotlight Header images. You can also create your own.