Following Others

How to follow others, unfollow others, and how to view who you are following and who is following you.

Following others is a great way to stay on top of things others are doing and allows you to focus your Activity feed and Upcoming Celebrations. Also, within the Notification Preferences of your Settings, you can choose to receive notifications when the people you follow are about to have a celebration.

How to View Your Followers and Following

Go to your Profile page to view how many followers you have and how many people you are following. If you click on Followers or Following, it will open up a list view of those people.

Profile - Followers, Following-png

Open Followers, Following-png


How to Follow Others

There are multiple ways to follow others.

1. Upon Registration

One of the steps in the registration process allows you to search for others you want to follow.

Follow People - Registration-png

2. From a Person's Profile Picture or Avatar

You can scroll over a person's profile picture or avatar from anywhere in the platform and a popup will appear. From there you can click on Follow to follow them.

Follow from Profilr Pic-png

3. From a Person's Profile Page

You can access someone's profile by searching for them in the Search for people box in the top, right of the page. You can also scroll over a person's profile picture or avatar from anywhere in the platform and a popup will appear. From there you can click on their name to go to their profile.

Go to Profile-png

From their profile page, click on Follow.

Follow from Profile-png

How to Unfollow Others

There are two ways to unfollow others.

1. From a Person's Profile Picture or Avatar

Scroll over the image or avatar of someone you are already following from anywhere in the platform and a popup will appear. From there you can choose to unfollow them by scrolling over the button that says Following. It will change to say Unfollow. When you click on it, it will ask you to confirm that you want to unfollow that person.

Unfollow - Avatar-png

Unfollow - Avatar 2-png

Unfollow Confirmation-png

2. From a Person's Profile Page

You can access someone's profile by searching for them in the Search for people box in the top, right of the page. You can also scroll over a person's profile picture or avatar from anywhere in the platform and popup will appear. From there you can click on their name to go to their profile.

Search or Scroll - Profile to Unfollow-png

From their profile, scroll over the button that says Following. It will change to say Unfollow. When you click on it, it will ask you to confirm that you want to unfollow that person.

Unfollow 1-png

Unfollow 2-png

Unfollow 3-png